Dairy farmers and industry service providers looking for some insight into the season ahead are invited to Murray Dairy’s seasonal update events which will be held across the region next week.
On the back of a challenging year and leading into next season, the sessions will focus on providing attendees with information to assist with their farm business planning for 2019-20.
Speakers, including Kate Bourke of Think Agri, in collaboration with Agriculture Victoria’s Dale Grey and NSW DPI’s Peter Havrlant, will provide expert analysis of milk pricing trends, fodder market indicators and climate forecasts.
Representatives from Goulburn Murray Water and Murray Irrigation will provide an update on seasonal water determinations.
Local consultants, Daryl Poole (RMCG), Tom Farran (Farmanco), Phil Shannon (Shannon Consulting) and Brian Crockart (CRC Agri) will facilitate discussion, delving into options for different dairy businesses under scenarios including dry conditions, high water prices and a tight feed market.
The discussion will focus on improving margins – from managing the herd to managing fodder supplies.
The events will also explore ways for dairy farmers to optimise the use of water over spring and summer, expanding on VFF’s Water Information Sessions this week.
This will assist in decision making about when and how to use water, boosting production in spring and securing water to meet business needs.
Eight sessions will take place across the Murray region, spanning northern Victoria and the southern Riverina, between Monday, July 22 and Wednesday, July 24.
For details, visit bit.ly/MurrayEvents